• Share your bright idea

    then ask the crowd to help

    Do Something!

    Imagine unlimited support for startups, communities, sport, art and education. Wherever you are, whatever your plans, sharing your bright idea is the first step.


    Looking for inspiration?

    Projects come in all shapes and sizes. From startups and scale ups, from fashion to football, even cake and candles, we have lots of examples of success. Scroll down to take a look at some of these projects...

  • Crowdfunding Made Simple

    Every minute of every day, of every week of every year, someone somewhere is

    starting a business, curating a community or creating something incredible.
    If that's you, get in touch, we'd love to hear from you.

    Who we are...

    We've been at the forefront of crowdfunding since 2010 when our founder, Amanda Boyle OBE, recognised the difficulties of raising finance from banks and traditional sources.

    What we do...

    We help you source funding or build revenue, whether you're a startup or early-stage business, a social enterprise, or you have a community, cultural and creative project.

    How does it work?

    Crowdfunding means to harness the power of the crowd* to support your idea, plans or project with a donation, no matter how small. And provide a reward. That's it. Simple.

    Where are you?

    We're based in the UK, operating on the world wide web. As long as your project meets some basic criteria, we can help you realise your project ambitions and your funding goals.

    What does it cost?

    Crowdfunding is not "easy" but it is the most accessible means of funding ambitions and dreams. Basic tools are available free, our courses have a small fee. Interested in having your own crowdfunding site? Let's talk.

    When you need more...

    With experience working with business, charities, and social enterprises, we craft funding pitches and applications, create revenue plans or strategies, and help you commercialise the assets you take for granted.